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No flying at night: The intricate Australian flag rules many don't know

On Australia Day, the national flag is flown from masts, cars as well as being draped over shoulders and displayed on thongs, but the rules about showing it remain vague for many people.
In recent years, the Union Jack, Southern Cross and seven-pointed star of the Australian flag has been the subject of debate, given its links to the country's colonial past.
But it remains a much-loved symbols for millions of people who love to fly it, wear it and generally wave it around in a display of love for the country.
There are detailed guidelines published by the federal government about flying the Australian flag. (Nine)
For most people, though, just what you are allowed to do with the flag remains a grey area.
Guidelines published by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet say the guiding principle is the flag must be treated with respect and dignity.
They outline in detail the etiquette of how it should be raised and when and where it should be flown.
Here are some of the main directions:
  • Anyone may fly the flag.
  • It must not fall or lie on the ground.
  • The flag should be flown aloft and as close as possible to the top of the mast.
  • The Union Jack should be seen in the top left quarter of the flag.
  • It must be kept in good condition.
  • The flag shouldn't be defaced with writing or pictures.
  • It must not be flown at night unless it is illuminated.
The guidelines also explain the etiquette of raising it, flying it with other flags, and using it at events, such as funerals.
Many Aussies like to drape the flag over their shoulders to show their love for the country. (Getty)
When flown from a vehicle, the flag should be of appropriate size and not obstruct the driver's vision.
And it is recommended to place the flag on a flagpole attached to the front bumper or on the roof of the vehicle.
There are no specific penalties about the desecration or misuse of the flag, but people may be charged if the flag is used in connection with breaking the law, such as destroying property or breaching the peace.

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