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Victorian premier apologises to victims of institutionalised abuse

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has apologised to victims of institutionalised abuse and neglect during a rare joint sitting of parliament.
Before 1990, more than 90,000 children were placed in institutional care in Victoria, with many experiencing harm at the hands of those who were meant to protect them.
Allan today apologised to the victims who sustained the abuse as children, acknowledging the life-long effects.
Premier Jacinta Allan apologised to more than 100 victim-survivors who turned up at parliament in Melbourne. (The Age)
The sitting brought more than 100 victim-survivors to the public gallery to watch the apology.
"To each and every child who was abused, neglected or mistreated – and on behalf of this parliament, and every parliament before it – we say sorry," she said.
"We apologise that instead of reading, writing and arithmetic many instead learned of floggings, beatings and brutalities.
"For the physical scars you bear to this day, we say sorry.
"We also recognise that many of you bear the emotional scars.
"We apologise that the burden of your experience often carries on in your relationships with your children and grandchildren."
During the rare joint sitting of parliament, Allan announced redress payments for extremely ill victim-survivors would go out this week.
The new Victorian Care Leavers Redress Scheme is under development and will be co-designed with Victorians who grew up in institutional care.
Until the scheme begins, the Victorian government is providing redress payments of $10,000 to people who were physically, psychologically or emotionally abused or neglected as children in institutional care in Victoria before 1990, and who are now critically or terminally ill.
Allan said many children experienced harm at the hands of those trusted to protect them and many ow carried trauma and grief as adults.

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