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Sweeping recommendations to improve childcare affordability after year-long inquiry

Australia's consumer watchdog has made eight recommendations to the federal government to improve the affordability and accessibility of childcare across the nation.
The recommendations from the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC), which come following a year-long inquiry into the sector, include the government taking a market stewardship role, and reconsidering its price regulation mechanism due to its current unintended consequences.
In particular, the report found policies need to be varied rather than one-size-fits-all, and that government intervention is required.
All child care centres will be able to waive gap fees if they are in a COVID-19 hotspot for more than seven days.
Australia's consumer watchdog has made eight recommendations to the federal government to improve the affordability and accessibility of childcare. (Glen McCurtayne)
"In practice, there are a range of market configurations and outcomes. We have concluded that market forces alone are not meeting the needs of all children and households," ACCC chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb said.
"While affordability has recently improved, a 'one size fits all' policy approach is not meeting all needs.
"When applied across the childcare sector, this current approach will continue to leave some households without adequate, affordable, and accessible childcare options."
The report found the federal government's childcare affordability reforms introduced last year – known as Cheaper Child Care – reduced the cost for families between 8.8 and 13.8 per cent, but at the same time noted previous similar policies had quickly been met by price hikes.
It also noted the disparity between childcare in advantaged and less advantaged areas.
Centres in wealthy areas had better profit margins than their counterparts in less affluent regions, due to the better ability of households to afford childcare.
That, in turn, leads to far better supply in those areas, whereas less wealthy areas – particularly rural and regional parts of the country – are struggling with a lack of childcare providers.
"We have recommended the government consider providing funding or grants directly to providers to assist with the costs of supplying services in areas that are considered unprofitable, or supplying services to groups within the community where costs of providing care are higher," Cass-Gottlieb said.
"The appropriate mix of government subsidy and regulation will depend on the local area market characteristics and the particular needs of the local community."
The peak body for childcare in NSW has called for an urgent government inquiry into the soaring costs of childcare.
The report found policies need to be varied rather than one-size-fits-all, and that government intervention is required. (AAP)
The report also found Indigenous children are considerably less likely to be enrolled in childcare, pointing in part to a lack of cultural awareness within the system.
"We heard that the administrative process required to receive the Child Care Subsidy and enrol in a service can discourage First Nations communities from using formal childcare," it states.
"Stakeholders expressed frustration at the barriers First Nations people face interacting with Australian government services, and we acknowledge that the administrative systems and process may lack cultural sensitivity or flexibility in recognising the experiences of First Nations peoples."
The government has not committed to accepting the recommendations, instead saying it would consider them.
"We'll carefully look at the recommendations from the report, including consideration for alternative approaches for vulnerable cohorts such as First Nations families," Early Childhood Education Minister Anne Aly said.
"The ACCC report, along with the Productivity Commission review (to be published midway through the year), will help us to identify areas for improvement in our early childhood education and care system for the future."

Recommendations of ACCC's childcare inquiry

Recommendation 1 
The Australian government reconsider and restate the key objectives and priorities of its early childhood education and care policies and supporting measures, including the price regulation mechanism.
Recommendation 2 
Further consideration and consultation on changes to the Child Care Subsidy and hourly rate cap, to simplify their operation and address unintended consequences, including on incentives and outcomes. 
Recommendation 3 
Reconsideration of the information gathered for and reported on so that it is better focused on meeting parents' and guardians' information needs – balanced against the costs of collecting and publishing information. 
Recommendation 4 
Governments further consider how the existing regulatory frameworks support and influence the attraction and retention of educators and workforce in the early childhood education and care sector.
Recommendation 5 
The Australian Government should design policy options to better meet the needs of children and households for whom in-home care services are intended to serve.
Recommendation 6 
a. The Australian Government should consider maintaining and expanding supply-side support options for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations that provide childcare and additional support services for First Nations children, parents and guardians. 
b. Consideration should be given to identifying alternative approaches for First Nations households to access the Child Care Subsidy (and other childcare entitlements). This should recognise the current lack of flexibility in the system to take account of, for example, kinship care arrangements. It should also recognise and account for the barriers that can exist to stop or inhibit First Nations households engaging with Centrelink or Services Australia, such as practical documentation or evidence barriers and historical and cultural barriers associated with past trauma. 
Recommendation 7 
A market stewardship role should be considered for government, by both Australian and state and territory governments, to monitor, regulate and shape childcare markets to ensure they deliver government objectives. A key part of this role should be identifying under-served or unserved markets and cohorts of childcare users. The stewardship role should also encompass consideration of appropriate interventions, whether through demand-side subsidies or supply-side subsidies, or a mix, as well as any complementary regulatory measures that may be necessary. 
Recommendation 8
Further consideration of the benefits and challenges of supply-side subsidies (particularly as a longer-term consideration) coupled with other more direct forms of market intervention, as appropriate.

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