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Dogs that riled neighbours now wearing citronella-spray collars

A pair of pet dogs in Napier, on New Zealand's North Island, have been forced to wear citronella-spray units around their necks after an order from a local council.
Napier Hill residents Ruby, a female Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu, and Simba, a male Shih Tzu/Lhasa Apso, were the subjects of numerous complaints and several visits by council staff over a three year period before matters were dealt with at a council hearings committee last month.
Between 2020 and 2023, Napier City Council received 17 complaints from three separate complainants, regarding the pair's persistent loud barking or howling. The council told the pair's owner Nuzia Scaranci that she had to take steps to ensure they didn't cause a nuisance.
Simba, left, and Ruby, live on Napier Hill, on New Zealand's north island.
Simba, left, and Ruby, live on Napier Hill, on New Zealand's north island. (Supplied/Stuff)
Scaranci refused, saying they weren't that loud, didn't bark as often as was claimed and that most of the complaints came from one neighbour with whom she'd had difficulties.
In a decision issued last month the hearings committee noted the breakdown in neighbour relationships, "and believe that may be contributing to an over sensitivity to barking on occasion and as demonstrated at the hearing is certainly contributing to the objector, Ms Scaranci, feeling the complaints are illegitimate".
The committee said there was a barking dog nuisance at the property, mainly from Simba, and told Scaranci the dogs had to wear a citronella spray (or similar) anti-barking collar at all times when outside, and she had to "actively discourage barking at inappropriate times and for inappropriate reasons at all times".
Nuzia Scaranci with her dogs Ruby, left, and Simba, right.
Nuzia Scaranci with her dogs Ruby, left, and Simba, right. (Supplied/Stuff)
She also had to ensure the dogs were kept inside her house when no-one was home.
Scaranci said she was neither happy nor unhappy with the decision.
She bought bark collars for the dogs a few weeks ago.
"They have a little refill container of citronella and every time they bark they have a bit a citronella spray next to their face like a perfume and dogs don't like that. When the citronella finishes then you can buy refills. There's the same amount of spray now as when I bought them," she said.
"I also bought the vibration collars to give them choices," she said.
This article has been reproduced with permission from

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