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Humidity making for a terrible night's sleep? Beer, cold showers and sleeping naked might not help

It's a feeling every Australian knows all too well: being completely unable to properly cool down on a hot and humid summer's day.
Australians will likely swelter through unusually warm days and nights this summer, with warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology of the high chance of heatwaves and record-breaking temperatures.
So what can you actually do to stay comfortable when the mercury (and humidity) rises? Here are a few tips.
As power prices and the overall cost of living increase, it's harder for people to purchase and run cooling equipment such as fans and air conditioners. (Nikki Short)

How can I keep my home cool in the heat?

Try keeping your home cool by closing blinds and windows before the day warms up.
Shielding your home from the sun and preventing warm air from coming in is a good first step, and can give you a cool room to seek refuge in.
If you've got external shutters, these help stop the heat from reaching your windows and can help keep temperatures inside lower.
But it's just as it's important to open everything up once the temperature has dropped outside – particularly if a cool, southerly change comes through.
You should avoid using stoves and ovens as they will heat your house as well as your food.
You're best off to avoid using stoves and ovens, as they will heat your house up. (Getty)

Does what I eat matter when I am trying to stay cool?

Speaking of food, eating actually slightly increases your temperature, as your metabolic rate increases during digestion.
So eating smaller, lighter meals is far better than opting for large, rich dishes when it's hot.
Similarly, drinking plenty of water is important, as it will not only keep you cool but staying hydrated helps combat temperature-related illnesses like heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, on the other hand, can increase dehydration, so, tempting as it might seem, you're best to avoid reaching for a cold beer or iced tea.
Reaching for a cold beer on a hot day might be tempting, but it'll actually lead to dehydration. (iStock)

What should I avoid doing in the heat?

There are some obvious points to help stay cool when the mercury rises – don't exercise in the hottest parts of the day, don't go out into direct sunshine – but some helpful hints are less intuitive.
For example, while a cold shower might seem tempting, they actually increase your temperature, as the frigid water decreases blood flow to your skin and therefore prevents heat loss from the body's core.
If you're using a fan while trying to get to sleep, it's important to avoid shutting your bedroom door. This might seem counterintuitive, as you'd want to keep the cooler air closer to you, but shutting the room stops proper airflow, and reduces the effectiveness of your fan.
While we're on the topic of sleeping, stripping off our pyjamas isn't going to keep you cool. Sleeping naked doesn't let you evaporate sweat between your body and bed, so instead wearing lightweight cotton PJs that help wick sweat away is going to be preferable.
It's also worth avoiding tasks that will increase the humidity inside your home – like boiling the kettle or using a tumble dryer – as the increased level of moisture in the air makes it far harder for our bodies to cool themselves down.
Homes in Bondi Beach, in Sydney.
Hotter air can hold more moisture, making those, hot and humid days feel particularly oppressive – so it's important to not add to the humidity inside your own home. (Nine / Peter Braig)

Are there any cheap hacks to stay cool without spending much? 

The heat is particularly troublesome as power prices and the overall cost of living increase, making it more expensive to purchase and run cooling equipment such as fans and air conditioners.
But you can make those appliances work a bit harder for you by taking one or two extra steps.
Closing off the room where your air conditioner is makes it more efficient – it will require less energy to cool one room instead of an entire home, plus it keeps the chilly air from escaping.
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If you only have a fan (or don't want to turn the air con on), using a spray bottle to mist water over you will provide a nice cooling sensation whenever the moving air passes over your skin.
Using cold packs or cool, damp towels on areas where there are lots of blood vessels, like the neck or veins, is an effective way to combat the heat, as it can cool the blood pumping around your body.

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