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Two more complaints made to BBC about Russell Brand

Two more people have made complaints to the BBC about Russell Brand's time at the broadcaster, bringing the total number of five, according to the man reviewing the fallen star's behaviour and the network's response to it.
In an update to the review on Tuesday, the BBC confirmed two people made complaints while Brand was working on 6 Music and Radio 2 from 2006 to 2008 and a third came forward about a widely reported incident in Los Angeles after he left.
The UK's national broadcaster announced the review after British media outlets The Sunday Times, The Times and Channel 4's Dispatches published a joint investigation in which four women alleged Brand sexually assaulted them in separate instances between 2006 and 2013.
Russell Brand speaks onstage.
Three British news organisations have reported comedian and social influencer Russell Brand has been accused of rape, sexual assault and abuse based on allegations from four women. (Lester Cohen / Getty Images)
Another woman alleges Brand sexually assaulted her in a Los Angeles office bathroom in 2008 before talking about it immediately after on air.
Brand has vehemently denied all the allegations.
BBC director of editorial complaints and reviews Peter Johnston, who is running the process, said another two complainants had come forward since he began his investigation.
He said the review was "in no way complete" but it appeared the former star faced no disciplinary action before his departure in 2008.
"The passage of time means this is not a straightforward task – for example, the BBC did not maintain a centralised record of staff complaints regarding bullying and harassment (including sexual harassment) at the time," he said.
"We have established that some complaints and concerns were raised. It would not be appropriate for me to reach any conclusions until I am satisfied all lines of enquiry have been exhausted. 
"In particular, we are concerned to ensure that anyone who has relevant information has the opportunity to speak to us."
Johnston said the LA allegation was formally reported to the BBC in 2019 but he was looking into what was known about it within the broadcaster before that point and what was broadcast at the time.
Regarding the claim Brand used BBC cars to pick up a 16-year-old girl from school, Johnston said car booking records were no longer available "due to the passage of time".
Despite accounts Brand had access to the cars, Johnston said no one spoken to so far recalled driving the actor.
He also released audience complaint figures relating to the star, revealing 62 complaints in 2006, 317 in 2007 and 225 in 2008, excluding the thousands made over the segment that forced him out of the broadcaster, involving lewd messages left on an actor's answering machine.

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