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Child with disability asked to leave NZ early childhood centre over walking frame request

A disabled child has been asked to leave an early childhood centre in New Zealand after his family requested a standing and walking frame to improve his independence.
Wolf Greene has hypotonic cerebral palsy and attends Conductive Education Canterbury (CEC) in Rolleston, Christchurch, which offers an alternative early intervention service for children with motor disorders.
The 2-year-old has an issue with his hips that doctors recommended he use a frame to correct, but CEC said that went against its philosophy to prepare children to become as independent as possible.
Wolf's mum, Casey McCabe, 30, said CEC had put up a "massive roadblock", impacting her son's ability to access equipment that would benefit him immensely.
Wolf Greene was asked to leave an early childhood centre. (Stuff) (Stuff)
"I don't feel that my son's being supported in what his needs are. They're talking about their philosophy and stuff, but it's disappointing that the centre of their philosophy isn't an individual family's needs," she said.
"They're sort of prioritising what they think is right, which I think is a completely wrong way to go about supporting disabled children and their families, because that choice should be left with the families."
McCabe was advised by doctors that a standing and walking frame would help Wolf practise weight-bearing and correct problems he was having with his hips.
But she said when she asked CEC if it could put in a referral for the equipment, it was reluctant to do so.
"They were sort of saying if we didn't use this equipment he would be more independent in the long run," she said.
"That if we went with the supportive equipment now, that it would actually not be a good thing for him, basically, that it would hinder his progress to be independent."
McCabe sought opinions from physiotherapists and occupational therapists who work in the disability space, and they agreed using the frame would benefit Wolf.
Greene's mother said she believed her son was not being supported. (iStock) (iStock)
She went back to the centre with this information, but was told it did not support Wolf using the equipment and advised her to enrol him in a different school.
"The Conductive Education philosophy focuses on developing life skills that prepare children to become as independent as possible, unfortunately it is not a quick fix," general manager Rebecca Courtney wrote in an email.
"Physiotherapists and conductors often have a differing opinion based on their training as to how to support the physical development milestones of children. When families enrol in Conductive Education, they are buying into our approach and philosophy.
"I would suggest you transfer to one of the other early intervention providers here in Christchurch as there appears to be a differing of approaches."
McCabe said the frame would improve Wolf's independence by teaching him how to walk correctly. It will cost the family around $15,000 without a referral from the centre.
"He can't currently sit unassisted, he can commando crawl, but he can't get up on all fours and crawl like a normal toddler would be able to do, and he certainly can't walk," she said.
Greene cannot sit unassisted. (Stuff) (Stuff)
"The standing frame is only used for 30 minutes a day at home, and it helps to align the body, helps his hips to align with his spine. It is also really good for digestion because you're upright instead of being horizontal all the time."
McCabe has set up a Givealittle page to raise money to buy Wolf's equipment.
Following questions from Stuff, CEC emailed McCabe and said it had put through a referral for Wolf's equipment and wanted to meet to discuss the issue.
"When we read it, we felt that it had come from more of a damage control kind of place. They say that they're wanting to reach out now to have that talk, but it sort of feels a bit too little, too late," McCabe said.
"Because we were trying to have those conversations with them... and they weren't receptive to what our needs were or what we were wanting."
CEC offers an alternative early intervention service, and employs a conductor who specialises in the "holistic development of people with motor disorders".
CEC offers an alternative early intervention service. (Louie Douvis) (Louie Douvis)
President Grant Slevin said he has never claimed that it is the gold standard for treatment.
"We simply offer an alternative to the traditional interventions offered by other providers," he said.
"The intervention service we provide does offer programmes that traditional providers may regard as intensive in nature, and we certainly aim to achieve the same goals for Wolf as they do."
Slevin clarified that Wolf had not been "kicked out" of CEC.
"Casey has reacted very strongly and adversely to Rebecca's email, which suggested she consider other options than conductive education and made it clear that we will continue to support Wolf during a transition process," he said.
"The catalyst for the email from Rebecca was Casey's insistence that CEC provide Wolf with equipment that our conductor does not consider is the best option for him."
Slevin maintained Greene was not kicked out. (iStock) (iStock)
"The catalyst for the email from Rebecca was Casey's insistence that CEC provide Wolf with equipment that our conductor does not consider is the best option for him."
He said it was wrong to say that CEC had disregarded medical recommendations for Wolf's equipment, and was deeply sorry McCabe feels the way she does.
"More is not always better, unfortunately, especially when it results in confusion for parents who find themselves having to reconcile conflicting professional opinions they might not fully understand and can lead to worse outcomes for the child," Slevin said.
"If Casey cannot accept the conductor's advice, there is really no point in her continuing to access our service. It seems to me that they are going through a very tough time and maybe not understanding everything that is going on."
This article has been reproduced with permission from

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